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    Notice to all HGV Permit customers .

    Dublin City Council’s Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) Management Strategy was first introduced on the 19 February 2007. It provides for a ban on 5+ axle vehicles during the hours of 07.00-19.00 seven days a week from a designated cordon area. There is a second 24-hour cordon in the Sandymount area.

    The current permit system is a critical piece of traffic management infrastructure as it reduces city centre HGV volumes, reducing pollution and improving the quality of life for residents of the city. It provides a limited permit scheme for 5+ axle vehicles that need to load/unload within the city centre area during the banned hours.

    The Council’s Roadworks Control Unit will shortly commence managing the HGV Permit System and intend to introduce a new fully integrated HGV system that will include the creation of a new public website to allow businesses within the cordon to register their delivery locations and for haulers with 5-axel trucks to apply for permits to enter/exit the cordon.

    The new fully integrated HGV system will be rolled out in two stages.

    1) From 18th September onwards, to allow business within the cordon to register their premises on the new website. The link for premises registration will be presented here.

    2) From 9th October, Hauliers can then apply for HGV permits for these premises via the new HGV system. Please note that the current HGV system for obtaining HGV permits will remain in place up until 8th October.

    What does this mean for you? It will be necessary for all existing customers who have businesses within the cordon to register their companies on the new website and add their premises in order to continue availing of HGV permits from the 9th October onwards.

    How will this impact my services? As a business within the HGV cordon, you cannot avail of HGV permits unless you register your company and add your premises and therefore your company cannot use 5+ axle vehicles during the operational hours of the designated cordon areas.

    When do we plan to perform our switchover? The Roadworks Control Unit will be communicating with all existing customers over the coming weeks advising of the planned switchover date which has been designated as the 9th October 2024.

    What is the registration add premises phase? Customers will be able to register and add their premises during the registration period of the 18th September to the 8th October 2024.

    Do I need to do anything to prepare? Simply register before the 8th October 2024 otherwise hauliers that need to make deliveries to your premises via 5+ axle vehicles, will not be able to find your premises on the new system when applying for a HVG permit.